Let's Ride!(or not). The Custom Shot Ski by Karve(TM) Industries

Karve(TM) Promo Boards- full color, totally custom graphic Shot Skis, Snowboards, Surfboards, Bodyboards, Skateboards, Write-On Boards, and more, like this ShotSki model made for Jameson Whiskey. Vivid, full-color, edge-to-edge graphics with highly durable 3M materials, these boards CAN be ridden, or used as displays. Competitive pricing, quality production, and $25 shipping anywhere in the Continental US, or contact us for bulk quantity orders. We can produce 1-1000+ boards with a quick ship after proof approval. (*Note a setup applies for custom graphics on orders under 6 units). Contact Dina at dina@bcpromo.com or 800-828-1943. www.karvepromoboards.com by Brand Central Promotions, Inc.